Full-Care Stall Board at our boutique hunter/jumper facility is now an option for discerning riders! Featuring separate barn facilities for boarders, including a private washrack, tack room, and crossties, these 12×12 stalls include 16+ hours of turnout in paddocks, a balanced grain meal, and high quality hay and alfalfa cubes. Horses return to their stalls for grain meals daily, and for shelter from inclement weather. Riding facilities open to boarders include a 200′ x 300′ outdoor riding arena and 60′ diameter round pen with all-weather footing and base.
$800/month for green barn
$1000/month for blue barn
Stall board is not open to horses under two years old, mares in-foal, or mares with foals at their sides.
Riding Lessons
For riders with their own horses, hunter/jumper lessons are available to both boarders and haul-ins. Mane on Fire rides and trains with dressage fundamentals, and incorporates them heavily into our program. We find that by cross-training, both riders and horses achieve more excellence that they do otherwise.
Horse Training
The farm starts and trains its’ own horses on-site, and offers those same services to the public as openings become available. Our program is jumper-centered with weekly free jumping sessions and a light touch to the mouth. Dressage fundamentals are ulitized to teach the horse how to carry himself without being heavy on the rider’s hands. This combination aims to create a light and responsive ride that can get the jumper turns in and look for the spots to the oxer on the diagonal when your eye fails you.
Retirement Program
Mane on Fire Farm’s breeding program rests firmly on the shoulders of former show mares. After careers with extensive show miles, these mares come to Mane on Fire to retire and assist in the production of the next generation. Some of the mares only produce embryos, some carry their own foals to term, and some provide the kind of firm guidance only a wisened old mare can provide.
Embryo Transfer Program
Both fresh and frozen inseminations are performed in-house on our own mares, as well as embryo transfers between them. This allows our retirees to live their best lives regardless of their ability to carry their own foals, and means our recipients are well-known, well-handled, healthy mares from our own farm.
Young Horse Development
The vast majority of the horses bred and produced by Mane on Fire Farm, LLC are developed and sold as riding horses as they come of age. Our foals grow up on large, 8+ acre hilly pastures alongside their peers. As three-year-olds, they are lightly started undersaddle before being returned to pasture for the majority of their 3-yo year. Some young prospects will be available for sale at this stage, while others become available after returning to work as 4-year-olds. To see what the farm currently has in development, see our Prospects page. To see what horses are currently being offered for sale, see our Sales page.